Producer Compliance Batteries for Hospice iBiN site

Producer Compliance

We've got you covered!

Batteries for Hospice

RECYCLE Batteries HELP Hospice!


Recycle anytime, anywhere!

About Us

Businesses trading in Malta are by law required to recover and recycle the resulting packaging waste, waste electrical goods and batteries, and GreenPak provides legal compliance to all such organisations.


Established in 2004, GreenPak is the pioneer of post-consumer waste recovery in Malta. GreenPak is an ERA authorised waste recovery organisation licensed to recover and recycle Packaging, WEEE, Batteries & Accumulators, on behalf of businesses. 


In 2010 GreenPak became a Cooperative Society Limited owned by the very companies using GreenPak’s compliance services. With over 1,200 members, GreenPak remains the most trusted waste recovery scheme in Malta.

Producer compliance....we've got you covered

Recycle Batteries, Help Hospice!

24/7 iBiNs recyclable waste service



Business Members


Batteries For Hospice Bins

