Packaging Compliance
Businesses whose trade generates packaging waste are required to recover and recycle such materials. GreenPak is an ERA authorised national waste recovery organisation licensed to recover and recycle packaging waste on behalf of businesses.
Sales Packaging (Primary Packaging) is packaging conceived so as to constitute a sales unit to the final user or consumer at the point of purchase.
Grouped Packaging (Secondary Packaging) is packaging conceived so as to constitute at the point of purchase a grouping of a certain number of sales units whether the latter is sold as such to the final user or consumer or whether it serves only as a means to replenish the shelves at the point of sale; it can be removed from the product without affecting its characteristics.
Transport packaging (Tertiary Packaging) is packaging conceived so as to facilitate handling and transport of a number of sales units or grouped packaging in order to prevent physical handling and transport damage. Transport packaging does not include road, rail, ship and air containers.
JOIN the GreenPak Packaging Waste Recovery Organisation.